Cornerstone has a solution for Collector & Exotic car physical damage.

Our policy wraps over any underlying automobile insurance policy in the event of a “total loss”.

Coverage Highlights

  • Agreed value limits available in-house of up to $5 million per policy
  • Flexible underwriting guidelines with regard to:
    • Driver demographics
    • Household composition
    • Vehicle usage
    • Previous loss activity (clients with a prior total loss can be considered)
  • Coverage available throughout the continental United States

This Program is for Insureds Who:

  • Cannot obtain agreed value cover in their state due to DOI restrictions
  • Find it more cost effective to place their auto insurance with a company who cannot offer agreed value cover
  • Had agreed value cover with an insurance company but are no longer eligible due to underwriting appetite changes

To Bind A Quote

  • Obtain a signed quote document that is fully completed
  • Underlying automobile insurance declarations pages
  • Underlying insurance company’s driver and loss activity reports
  • Agreed value documentation (if requested by underwriter at the time the indication is provided)
  • State due diligence form
  • SL tax form


Contact us HERE!